Monday, October 26, 2015

Infinite consciousness awakening

Earth, at this point in time is one of the most primitive planets in our Universe. Earth inhabitants are a mixture of different beings. 
Some human beings believe that we are all incarnated. This is true. However, majority of reincarnations on earth, these beings have always been on earth. 
There is only a small mass of beings on earth right now who have reincarnated from other planets. 

Such planets that humans would refer to as in the different star systems. Example - Alpha centauri, Sirius, Orion, Lyra, Vega, Bootes star system, Arcturus, the Peiladians  

This is only a few familiar star systems. Wanderers are from different star systems. Here to assist earth in her transformation. Some already understand they are here for a reason and have a purpose, they just do not know what the purpose is. They do not have the tools to understand how truly important they really are. 

All beings on earth are important. Even the dark humans (sociopaths, psychopaths aka organic portals, the soulless ones)
The dark (soulless) ones, teach us painful lessons that must be learned. Their intention is to hurt us, not to help. Usually we cannot immediately see the reason we suffered, but as we awaken we begin to connect the dots. We understand that a particular event that was painful was necessary in order to awaken to who we really are